“Delta” Down-Are We Ready for Something Bigger?

By: American Decency Staff

Tens of thousands of Delta passengers around the world are grounded this morning due to a system-wide computer failure caused by a power outage in Atlanta, with the airline unable to say when the problem will be fixed,” The Huffington Post, reported this past Monday.

The Courier Mailadds, “Airline data company Flightaware said there were at least 858 cancellations and 7,359 delays across the global airline industry on Monday. It’s unclear how many are related to Delta’s problems and whether Delta’s groundings are reflected in the numbers.

Looking at all the troubles and inconveniences caused by just one system-wide computer failure, caused by a power outage, one can only imagine the damage, difficulty, and devastation that would be caused by an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse). If/When such a threat becomes a reality; the nationwide catastrophic effect would be incalculable.

What’s an EMP?It’s when a nuclear weapon detonates above our atmosphere, rather than on the ground, creating a giant flush of electrons and ionized particles that are pushed out by the nuclear explosion. This could incapacitate every electrical system in the United States. Life in America might never be the same again. (From 33 Minutes documentary)

If some country (or extreme Islamic terrorist group) detonated a nuclear weapon high enough over the US, the continental United States would be left with no electric power or the things which depend on electric power.

Think about that for a moment. That would change our entire way of life and it would create havoc and be devastating for all people. It wouldn’t just be Delta down; there’d be no medical services, no financial services, communications would be out, no credit card usage, food stocks would run out quickly, the list goes on and on.  We’re not writing this to be doomsayers; we are warning again.

Several years ago we, here at the American Decency Association, showed the film 33 Minutes, produced by The Heritage Foundation. Although this film was produced several years ago and the topic isn’t talked about much these days, the dangers presented therein are still very real and the potential even increased. To watch this informative video on YouTube click here. To watch it on its own webpage click here.

To hear a few ways in which this potential devastation has grown, listen to Frank Gaffney talk with Dr. Bruce Bechtol,professor at Angelo State University and former DIA official,on Secure Freedom Radio:

Play the last recording on this page to hear about: (click here)

·         North Korea’s recent missile launch aimed at inciting Japan

·         32 missile launches in the Kim Jong-un era

·         Cooperation between Tehran and Pyongyang (Iran and North Korea)

·         Obama’s legacy on the Hermit Kingdom

·         Popular sentiment regarding a nuclear deterrent for South Korea

And play the first 2.5 minutes of the last recording on this other page as well:(click here)

Are we prepared for a nuclear attack on ground or in the air resulting in an EMP; or are we “prepared” to be another Pearl Harbor? This administration has done little to nothing to increase our preparation. As a matter of fact, at the rate President Obama has been disarming and weakening our armed forces and refuses to name our real enemies while arming and funding them at an alarming rate, we are more likely to be the recipients of a nuclear missile attack than being ready to defend or avert such brutal devastation.

We have had policies pushed upon us paving the way for Iran to develop nuclear weapons. North Korea has been increasing their missile launches and selling ballistic missiles to those who would do us harm. Extreme Islamic jihadist terrorist attacks are ramping up worldwide and these terrorists are shouting out warnings of destruction to the western world. In light of all this, we should be contacting our government representatives, urging them to demand better protection and the continued development of ballistic defense. The question isn’t when…it’s why not already?

We need to be better prepared. Call the US Capitol switchboard by dialing 202-224-3121; making your voice of common sense heard. Ask about legislative efforts regarding protection from these things. If there isn’t any—ask, “Why not?” Then urge them to act on their oath of office, upholding the Constitution, which was created to “insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

To read an article on Frank Gaffney’s site (Center for Security Policy), regarding a facts check they did on a New York Times Article reporting on this subject, click here.

Although the likelihood is very high that we will experience at least one of the following: terrorist attacks, war on our soil, and even an EMP attack; there is a certainty which we must all prepare for. There’s coming a day when not just a nation, but the whole world will pass away.

According to II Peter 3:10-12, “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

God is sovereign; but He still expects his people to be prepared and to take action against evil. We should do our duty, urging our representatives to bring our nation into preparedness for such attacks as outlined above. Don’t neglect to inform others and bringing these conversations into the public square.

Most importantly, only Jesus can make us prepared for that which Peter calls the “day of the Lord.”On that day, our grandparents, parents, friends, or government won’t be of any help. We urge each one to make sure they are prepared by having humbled themselves to the Lordship of Jesus and having Him as their Savior. Being at peace with other countries is good; being at peace with God is essential. “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” (Romans 5:1-2)

To learn more about this salvation, watch this short clip of John Piper talking about the gospel message. Click here.


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American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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